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China risk feared to have bigger impacts on global economy 중국발 리스크, 세계 경제 발목잡나
China risk feared to have bigger impacts on global economy 중국발 리스크, 세계 경제 발목잡나
Slowing manufacturing, China risk threaten global economic growth 세계 경제 성장 약화
China’s long-term economic impact on world markets
Fear, Uncertainty As China Stock Slide Deepens
The Weakening of the Chinese Economy
Korea′s risk premium hits six-month high as China lowers currency again 한국의 ′위
Impact of Plummeting Value of Chinese Yuan on Global Economy
Should we be worried about China's economy?
Chinese investors remain fearful as market volatility continues
BD Emerging markets face risks of slower growth era: World Bank
China's Economic Data Invites Mistrust and Unease